As someone who has gone days, and even years, without expressing gratitude, I’ve come to realize that it’s just as important as providing nourishment to the body. Gratitude and appreciation are often overlooked in our daily lives, both at work and at home. However, I have recently learned that expressing gratitude and appreciation to those around us can have a profound impact on our relationships and overall well-being.
My organization underwent a major restructuring in 2023, which resulted in many of my colleagues feeling undervalued and unappreciated. Some of them expressed their dissatisfaction by saying, ‘the organization didn’t value my work.’ This experience made me realize the importance of showing gratitude and appreciation to colleagues, not just for the work they do, but also for the individuals they are.
One weekday night, while I was getting ready for bed, I heard my wife screaming from the other room. I rushed to find out what happened and found out that my daughter had almost swallowed a marble. Thankfully, everything turned out okay, and I immediately disposed of the marble. However, my wife was upset with me for not appreciating the severity of the situation and for not acknowledging her role in protecting our child.
A Culture of Mutual Respect and Productivity
Do you want a plaque for it?” is a phrase I used to frequently employ, suggesting that someone doesn’t need special recognition for fulfilling their responsibilities. However, I’ve come to realize the importance of gratitude and appreciation in the workplace and in my personal life. While an organization compensates employees for their time and skills, showing gratitude goes beyond compensation and can strengthen relationships, improve culture, and boost productivity. Expressing appreciation demonstrates that I value my colleagues’ work and fosters trust and mutual respect, leading to better collaboration, communication, and teamwork. These positive dynamics also apply to my family of three, which is why it’s crucial to show gratitude to those in my life. Ultimately, gratitude and appreciation can enhance employee satisfaction and positively impact an organization’s productivity, making it a crucial element of any thriving workplace culture.
Practical Ways to Incorporate Gratitude in Daily Life
When and how should you express gratitude? Saying “thank you” or sending an email to someone for their work is a simple way to express gratitude. However, I prefer to give specific gratitude for a particular action so that the person knows exactly what they did to deserve recognition. Additionally, expressing gratitude can also mean supporting teammates with small gestures, such as covering for someone who needs to leave early or taking time off for personal reasons. I aim to give gratitude around the same time as the activity, accomplishment, or milestone, and I strive to use a genuine and authentic tone.
In addition to expressing gratitude in the moment, I set aside specific times every day or week to express gratitude. For over a year, I have been conducting a weekly “Learning and Gratitude” meeting with my team. During this meeting, we reflect on the week’s work and share a learning experience or express gratitude towards a colleague. These scheduled moments of gratitude have improved mutual trust among team members.
At home, I make a conscious effort to express gratitude to my wife and child. I let them know that they bring me happiness and fulfillment and that their love is an essential ingredient in my pursuit of career and financial goals. I believe that expressing gratitude at home will help me cultivate more positive feelings and deepen my relationships with my loved ones.
The Power of Appreciation: Why Showing Gratitude Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
If you’re still skeptical about the benefits of showing gratitude, consider the words of Dale Carnegie and Charles Schwab. As Carnegie famously wrote in How to Win Friends & Influence People, “There is only one way to make a person to do something. Making the other person want to do it“. And one of the most effective ways to do that is by showing appreciation and encouragement.
Schwab, a renowned businessman and steel magnate, attributed much of his success to his ability to inspire enthusiasm in his employees.
I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm among my people the greatest asset that I possess. And the way to develop the best that is in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. There is nothing else that so kills the ambition of a person as criticism from superiors. I never criticize anyone. I believe in giving a person incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise and loath to find fault. If I like anything, I am hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise. I have yet to find a person, however great or exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than he would ever do under a spirit of criticism.
Charles M. Schwab
So, whether you’re looking to motivate your team, improve your relationships, or achieve your personal goals, remember the power of appreciation. By showing genuine gratitude for the people in your life, you can create a positive cycle of mutual respect, trust, and productivity. And who knows? You may just find that expressing gratitude is the key to getting what you want.